Sunday, May 9, 2010


After watching Ip Man 2, we headed off to WIP (Whipped Into Place) @ Bangsar Shopping Centre for dinner. I first visited this restaurant two months ago with the girls, and fell in love with the food then. Specifically, their Coast of India Cuisine. As good things (or food, for that matter) are meant to be shared, I decided to recommend this restaurant to the rest of the group for a delightful night out.

Note: Photos below are by Aik Chung.

To avoid having to wait for a table, I made reservations the week before, with the following requests:-

1.  Non-smoking area;
2.  A corner table which can sit 12 people;
3.  Quiet area.

Check, check and check. They actually accommodated all my requests. *applauds*

Our cosy lil' corner

To order our food and drinks, we had to flip through their extensive menus titled "Gobble" and "Guzzle" respectively .......

and saw this .......

Noticed anything "off" yet? No? Look closely .........

TEA (HOT / COLD) ... and under that category ... Iced Lemon Tea. 

Waiter: Hi, what would you like to drink?

Customer: Can I have an iced lemon tea, hot, please.


Anyway, luv luv luvvvvv the layout of the restaurant along with its exquisite decorations ....

View from where we were seated

Our drinks for the night consisted of mostly beer due to WIP's Happy Hour Promotion ...

Beer, passion & lychee margarita, and iced lemon tea

Our yummehhhhh nom nom noms ......

Chicken Cordon Bleu - RM27

Chicken Vindaloo - RM28

Tandoori Chicken Special - RM26

Salmon Steak - RM37

Nihari Gosht - RM32

Chicken Makanwala - RM28

Tempura Fish Burger - RM25

Grilled Cod - RM47

Based on everyone's feedback, it was thumbs up for all the Coast of India cuisine, but only so-so for the remaining dishes. And oh-mi-gawd, Nicholas loved the mamak mee goreng (sorry, did not manage to capture a good shot of the dish) so much, he actually ordered two portions of it, and cleaned both plates before I even finished mine. *I very the phail*

Yummy food always brings smiles ......

Mei Wern & Jerome

Ee Lin & Nicholas

Ming & myself

Choong Yi

Yie Loon & Wei Zhe

Dao & Aik

Looks like a wannabe kid in the middle of his "parents"

Group photo

Adjourned to Choong Yi's house after that to "lepak" ... to be continued in the next entry ....