Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Treasure Hunting - our journey in 2009

Anyone who knows me personally, would know that treasure hunting is an activity I have grown to be very passionate about and am willing to invest my time, money and energy in! *feels nerdy suddenly*

'Treasure Hunt' Setahun Kerajaan Baharu Negeri Selangor
Date - 22th March 2009
Entry fee - RM120 per car
Team members - Aik, KC, Ming & Wern

It all started one fine day in March 2009, when KC invited myself, Ming and Aik to form a team, and signed up for our very first treasure hunt together. Being the uncreative person I am, I named us "TEAM X" (obviously the other three went "WTH...!!!"). LoL ......

A day before the hunt, the four of us attended the briefing together to get a feel of what to expect on the actual hunt day, and were astonished by the massive crowd which attended the briefing as we had no idea that the activity was so popular amongst Malaysians. *yarhhhhh ... so suaku leh ... * 

With KC being the only experienced hunter in our team, we decided to also consult him, and the following conversation took place:

Myself, Aik and Ming:
Eh, need to prepare or study anything or not ah for the hunt ....?

No need one ... just look at the signboards and the answers will be there! Cannot study one larh .....

The hunt day finally arrived, and we woke up excitedly in anticipation of the event ahead. Stumped we (the noobie amateurs) were along the whole journey ...... because no preparation was done, and our team had gone for the hunt dum-dumly with no knowledge whatsoever of how the clues were supposed to be deciphered! Omg... we didn't even have clipboards lor! *smacks felt-like-brainless-head*

Of course, needless to say, we all wanted to smack KC as well for the mis-information above at the end of the day!  :p

I remember how ecstatic we were when we found the answer "DAIHATSU" which was derived by taking only the first alphabets of all the words in the clue.  *s.w.e.a.t.*

4th Hospis Klang Charity Hunt 2009
Date - 19th April 2009
Entry fee - RM90 per head
Team members - Aik, KC, Ming & Wern

Being the kiasu determined people the four of us were, we decided to give it another shot at the 4th Hospis Klang Charity Hunt, participating as "Team Meeples". Number 8 was allocated to us as our team number, and of course, as Chinese, we felt lucky. *FAT FAT FATTTTTTTT!!* 

We also felt prepared this time around. Apart from being equipped with physical items like clipboards, stationery and dictionaries etc, we ensured that our brains were also filled with the knowledge of deciphering treasure hunt clues. Anxious we were, to see how much our skills had improved.

But alas, 8 what 8 larh .... as fate has it, KC's car broke down, and we ended up having to pull out in the midst of the hunt. *pulks* 

It was also from this point onwards, that we "pantang" team number 8 deee!

Elken Bio Pure Beginners' Motor Hunt 2009
Date - 23rd May 2009
Entry fee - RM50 per head
Team members - Aik, Ming, Wern & Val

Ming and I kena "conned.com" into wearing yellow.
So called la got colour code .. sigh ....

We were then drawn to this hunt organised by Trailblazers, open only to beginners. As freshies, we knew our limitations and our chances of competing against masters who has been around for years n' years n' yearrrrsssss. These masters have probably been hunting around wayyyyyyy before we were born! Eat salt also more than we eat rice! Not like our brains are double their brain size some more! Hence, it was a very good opportunity for us to gauge our strengths against other hunters whom we were more on par with.

In this hunt, apart from the normal cryptic clue questions, teams also had to answer questions relating to water (duhh....) and perform several tasks to gain additional points.

Kiasu-me trying to capture a picture of the questions
(we were given a limited amount of time to copy the questions)

A task we definitely excelled in, was one where Aik managed to down four bottles of 500ml water in 45 seconds! It was hillarious, looking at the shocked faces of the organizers. Kesian the poor guy standing next to Aik, who was just completely stunned and only managed to gulp down two bottles in the 45 seconds. HOORAHHHH and kudos to Aik for taking one for our team (poor Aik puked a few seconds after downing all the water). Watch the video below!

This hunt, was also our introduction of treasure hunting to Valerie. =)

Kelab Shah Alam Selangor Beginner's Evening Motor Hunt
Date - 5th September 2009
Entry fee - RM70 per person
Team members - Aik, KC, Ming & Wern

This was our second beginners hunt, and I managed to persuade Val into forming a team of her own to participate in this hunt. Along came Suet Fang, Corrie and her cousin, Mei Mei after some hardcore persuasion from myself and Val. :p

Impressed I was, that they did not request for any help whatsoever along the way, despite the team consisting of 3 first-timers and Val (2nd time). Thats the spirit!  =)

Team Meeples and Corrie

Suet Fang, Corrie, Mei Mei & Val
(they won RM50!)

Me getting bullied. Per usual.  >.<

Walk KL Treasure Hunt @ The Podium, Menara Hap Seng
Date - 3rd October 2009
Entry fee - RM150 per team
Team members - Aik, KC, Ming & Wern

This hunt was tough. So tough, that after eating our dinner @ Nagomi, we were so demotivated that we plonked our butts on the first floor overlooking the ground floor, and listened to the clerk-of-course (COC), Michael, announcing the answers and results.

And suddenly, the following announcement was made:

Tenth place, Team Meeples!!!

The four of us gazed at each other in shock, which dissolved instantly into very wide smiles of happiness. Ming and KC ran down to the ground floor then to receive our prize:

And this, was our first win as Team Meeples. Despite it being only the 10th position, the joy and satisfaction we felt, was just simply indescribable.

Lexis Nexis KL Bar Treasure Hunt 2009
Date - 25th October 2009
Entry fee - RM400 per car
Team members - Aik, Ming, Wern  & Chien Yin

With KC missing-in-action, we invited Chien Yin to join us in this hunt. All I remember about this hunt was the fact that Chien Yin spotted all the questions which basically requires .. spotting. Word For Word. And there the rest of us were, dum-dumly trying to decipher the clues.  =_=''

Result at the end of the day? We generated a new hunter.  =)

The Sun Motor Hunt 2009
Date - 8 November 2009
Entry fee - RM400 per car
Team members - Aik, KC, Ming & Wern

Our first attempt at the biggest treasure hunt event of the year, and we managed to bag the 29th position! Not too bad I reckon?  :p

Our prizes however, were MP4 players. Out came the kecohing amongst ourselves, for correctly answering more than we wanted to. Reason? We preferred the prizes provided for the 31st to 40th positions loorhh..... which were DVD players. Isn't that more practical !?!?!

*No, not trying to be lancee here ... but its true wurt... pulks .... *

Nonetheless, we were really impressed with the structured organization by Time Out Solutions, despite the number of teams which participated in the hunt. Prizes were good too !!  Can't wait for the 2010 Sun Motor Hunt !!

Loving Malaysia Charity Walk Hunt
Date - 29th November 2009
Entry fee - Not available
Team members - Wern & Jung Yee; Aik & Val

This was a two-person-team walk hunt, organized by Take A Break events. I teamed up with Jung Yee, who was a first-timer in the hunt scene, whilst Aik teamed up with Val.

Apart from the normal cryptic hunt questions, we were also provided "pictures" to match to shop logos / signs etc.  Sooooo tiring lor ..... as we were required to run about the various floors of the shopping complex, holding on to huge arse dictionaries, whilst squinting to locate the diagrams provided.

However, despite us leaving empty handed, it was a good experience for me, as it made me realise how limited my capabilities were in terms of treasure hunting without my standard teammates.

Batik Treasure Hunt
Date - 6th December 2009
Entry fee - RM50 per team
Team members - Aik, KC, Ming & Wern

Our first reaction when we heard about this hunt was "Huh ... Lake Gardens wo ... got signboards one meh .. ?!"  *raises eyebrow* 

And yes... we were proven very wrong. *shy*

The journey to Lake Gardens was relatively stressful, as we had met up later than the stipulated time and were informed by the organizers (via phone) that we were the only team who had yet to register. 

Upon arriving, we ran to the meeting point and found everyone else performing "morning exercises" or "dance moves" according to the instructor on the stage. That was really fun!

Subsequently, we were given a pack of 7 cards (similar coloured), and requested to exchange it with other teams in order to obtain 7 different coloured cards (it was a "treasure" question ... if I remember correctly). I took the cards first, went about asking and changed ONE colour, before I decided to delegated the task to Aik. Duhh ... I don't have his appeal lor!!!!! The moment he shouted "CHANGE CHANGE WHO WANTS ORANGE ..."  everyone just came and he got it done in a minute. Life is so unfair lorrrrr! *s.w.e.a.t.*

This hunt definitely tested our stamina and endurance as we had to run about the whole time. To make things worse, one of the questions required us to indicate the number of steps on a particular stairway. Poor Ming and Aik had to run up and down the stairs multiple times to ensure that we had the correct answer.

Nonetheless, our efforts were not wasted! We got 3rd position!! Woo HooOOoooO !! *wiggles butt*

RM200 worth of Victoria Station vouchers
(this was my portion larh ... I know how to count one ok ... )

Holiday Hunt 2009
Date - 19th December 2009
Entry fee - RM75 per person
Team members - Aik, Ming, Wern & Yi Ven

This was the third novice hunt we participated in, and also our final hunt in 2009. As KC couldn't make it again, Yi Ven was invited to be our fourth member to generate her interest in this activity. To be honest, I highly suspect that this was probably the only time all of us paid full attention to her whilst she was talking  *lol ... I'm not mean larh ... ppl who know us will know what I mean lor .... its not intentional... I swear!!*

In conjunction with the event being a Holiday Hunt, we were also given Santa Hats to wear. SO CUTE LOR !!! However, as it was a really hot day, only Aik wore it diligently throughout the whole hunt.  =_=''

The crowd during briefing

Our team in the car

Us looking for the answer at a sector where the sign has been removed!

Ming "treasure hunting"

Optimistic we were at the beginning, only to finish in a disappointing 6th position as a result of countless careless mistakes. The winners were never-heard-of-before teams, which definitely served as a reminder of the countless competitors out there who were way stronger than we were, and that we'd have to continue "studying harder" in order to improve ourselves.

Us waiting for results

Think it was RM50 inside


And that, concludes our hunts in 2009. Will blog about our 2010 hunts later.  Stay tuned!


Shi'En said...

nice blog! :) I'll watch the Aik Chung downing water video later!

I also want to join... !! ;p

Wern Ching said...

Wahaha .. pro k that fella !! O_O

U in Singapore so farrr away ... =_=''