Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Big Taboo & doing the "Wern Ching..."

With our bellies filled, we headed off to Cyi's house for some games and drinks. Of courseeeee ..... out came his collection of alcoholic beverages, including vodka and even champagne (which I insisted, tasted more like sparkling white wine).

Bob came out to join us too! Wondering who Bob is ......? Not my boyfriend for sure. *Honestly, can't imagine myself dating someone named Bob yo......* =_=''  Anyway, he's our cute lil' puppet from one of Aik's boardgames, The Big Taboo:

The game is basically a combination of taboo, pictionary and acting (by using Bob).

Beloved Bob !!

Bob got "molested" throughout the game .... haha ... Sorry Bob, but we had to. Very fun filled game, but my team got owned. All your fault Cyi, for making ur own team drunk. :)

Continued on with a drinking game, which involved everyone sitting around the table and acting out stuff ... of sorts .... based on various scenarios. As I was a party pooper that night (in my defense, my head had started pounding from all the alcoholic drinks consumed at both WIP and Cyi's house), I decided to sit out. Of courseeeeee, they didn't let me off the hook that easily, and came up with an additional action called "doing the Wern Ching", which basically involved:

The middle person:
NoOoo laaaaaaaa... Dowannn larrhhhhhh .... Tak naakkkkkk......

Oeiiii apa nieee ..... play laa ... why laa liddattttt .... Oeeeeeiiiiiiii .....


By the way, I do have a video of Cyi acting out all the scenarios. Can't post it here as he wouldn't allow me to. Anyone who wants to watch, ask me for it. Nyahahah .... *evil laughter*

As if my head wasn't pounding badly enough, I got "conned" into drinking Vodka as well (which I honestly thought was water) before spitting it out immediately. Bahhhh ... that tasted foul!!

Left home earlier than the rest as I had an early badminton session the next day. Waiting impatiently for the next gathering!!  (^_^)


Aikee said...

Lolz... Dowan to play somemore lar. Feel the wrath of CYi!!!

Unknown said...

lol don't always make me sound like alcoholic okay? And the video is for private use only! haha

Wern Ching said...

LoL... its not MAKING u sound like one ok .. u're memang one. :p

The videeooooo !! I haven't gotten it from Aik yet !! Haha ...