Thursday, May 13, 2010

A peaceful Labour's Day morning .... NOT ......

It was Labour's Day, a supposed quiet and peaceful off-day for all...... or so I thought. Dragged my butt out of bed by 9.30 a.m. for a hearty brekkie with Val, Corrie and Ming at Coffee Bean @ Subang Parade. 

With my eyes still half shut, I heard Corrie's car pull up in front of my house. And shortly after, the "dreaded" voice of a small kid! Corrie had brought her cousin, whom we call Ming Ming, a five year old lil' kid (if I'm not mistaken). One who only remembers me for the chocolates I once gave him a few weeks back when we first met. My eyes "flew open" and instantaneously I wondered "Omg what have I gotten myself into .... "

Corrie and the cheeky lil' one

As Val arrived shortly after, us girls had to wait for Ming to get ready (surprise surprise ... girls waiting for a guy to "ban leng"). To layan Lil' Ming, I had to:

1.  bribe him with Smarties

2.  show him my gold fishes and allowing him to feed them

3.  allow him into my room where the lil' smart alec commented on how ugly the jigsaw puzzle hung up on my room wall was (its nice one k .... its the glow in the dark, dolphin in the sea picture type!) *shows indignant look*

The lil fella proceeded to spank Ming's butt as well for taking so long to get ready .. and oh ... the other side of the butt too ... *ouch*... Haha ...... well deserved though.  :p

Finally, we headed off and upon reaching Subang Parade, Lil' Ming jumped onto the Big Ming's back for a piggy back ride, with Lil' Ming asking persistently "can u breathe ..... sureee? still can meh?" whilst trying to "strangle" Big Ming.  *s.w.e.a.t.*

Our orders for the day:

Salad, toast, scrambled eggs and sausages

Salad and sandwich (with 2 eggs, ham and cheese)

Complimentary tea which comes with brekkie sets above

My all-time favourite, Ultimate Mocha Ice Blended

Food served was scrumptious. *thumbs up* 

With us girls talking about work, topic of conversation between Big Ming and Lil' Ming basically consisted of the following:

Lil' Ming:
I buy big big pampers for you to wear! Must be BIGG BIGGG one ....

Big Ming: 
U la go wear small pampers ..... make u wear then you know ...

And finally we got Lil' Ming into this position,

for the rest of the morning, by keeping him occupied with his beloved cartoon on the laptop.

Ah, the wonders of being a kid. Where one can be so easily satisfied by the sweetness of chocolates, fascination of fishes, thrills of "torturing" others and amusement of cartoons. Lil' Ming brought a smile to my face with all his lil' antics, but along with it as well, the realisation of how much our expectations change as time goes by, and the things we take for granted in our daily lives.

I really ought to start appreciating all the little things in life, which does make me happy. Time to refocus ......


Aikee said...

OMG so cute!!! Ming got spanked, by a kid. TWICE! Hahaha

Wern Ching said...

Correction... it was many many many many times .. haha ....