Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ip Man 2

After immersing ourselves in the "Awwww sooooo sweeeettt...." storyline of When In Rome, we headed off to catch the latest action-packed movie, Ip Man 2, last Saturday. 

Being a horrible organizer, I actually told Kong that I didn't purchase a ticket for him, when in actual fact I did. Conclusion, the movie cost me RM21, and Kong ended up with something to hold against me for the remaining gawd-knows-how-many-years-to-come.

Anyway, this movie depicts Ip Man's life upon migrating to Hong Kong, where he had to first overcome multiple obstacles in his quest to set up a martial arts school as he was challenged by all the other kung fu masters in HK. Upon earning their respect, the kung fu masters were then challenged by Twister, a strong but cruel western boxer champion. In order to redeem and maintain the dignity of Chinese kung fu, Ip Man took up the Twister's challenge in a public combat.

I did enjoy the show, with the exception of the fact that I did spend a quarter of the time looking at the palms of my hand cause I can't stand watching "bloody gruesome scenes". The sight of it just makes me cringe. Blehhh .........

What I was personally reminded of in this movie ....

Where there's a will, there's always a way.
Nothing is impossible.
Its just a matter of whether or not you want to,
or have the will power and determination to get it done.


Jo said...

From now on, I shall follow you for all movies and be a movie review as well. Wakakaka.

Wern Ching said...

LoL ... no problem .. =)