Hunts are fun.
No really i mean it, despite the hot sun, the sweat, the mental and physical drain. The sense of satisfaction of getting an answer right, the bond built between team members after all the bickering in the car, the sense of accomplishment at the end of a day's long journey - those are things to relish.
The overall 1 year journey, the build up of hunts till the climax - the Sun Hunt, to measure your progress - and the team's progress is one to really look forward to.
Yet - as in all things in life, nothing is perfect. Is there really an ideal quartet in treasure hunting - a fixed 4 people that will stick together, with a special bond - through good times and bad? People change, time moves on, and interests - fade. What seemed like a happy hunting team, could so easily change overnight, whether the loss of the member is under enforced circumstances or not. Isn't that life?
If something were to be measured in days or weeks then yes, progress could easily be measured, but as life goes on you find that even a year is a long long time in regards to human friendship. Many other things are more important - such as that all important Career, Money, Fame - no matter how much your family or teachers tried to tell you back then that nothing is more important than family and friends. Why go one way when everyone else is going the other?
I guess this rant is probably a short term emotional trigger, i'm sure the feeling will go away when another "interest" pops up to distract me, oh yes - oh so fickle human mind. Where oh where will we be able to find the piece to complete the Quartet, if not for long term, at least during the short term interest of Treasure Hunting? Or for the GIF Hunt at least, for that matter?