Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A day out in Hannover ......

Upon purchasing the oh-so-expensive bus ticket (yes, its the only German sentence I know apart from "danke"), I hopped off at Hauptbahnhof (also known as the Hannover Central Station), and started wandering around aimlessly......

(the train station)

Decided to have a light brekkie, and this cafe caught my attention ......

The weather was absolutely beautiful! Ordered my meal and bummed outside for more than an hour reading my book ... wished we could do this all the time here in Malaysia!! If only ....... *wishful thinking* ....

The old lady looks scary .. prob wondering if I was snapping her picture

Loved the simple deco! And my light brekkie consisted of ......

Caffe latte and sandwich (salami + mozzarella cheese) - 5 Euro

Looks miserable ... but amazingly simple and yummilicious !!!!

Just some random shots of the surrounding ......

Most of the hotels were "decorated" with beautiful flowers ......

...... and rounded shaped "plants" ......

Many many of these around ... all with cute hunks in skin tight outfit ...
(yes, bicycle handles obstructing my view just cuz I am that short)

Strawberries sold in a strawberry hut !

...... and it decided to start raining cats n' dogs, hence ending my amateurish photo taking journey.

This is the way all sandwiches are sold !

And the main reason for my outing ...... jeng jeng jenggggg ~~~

Chocolates, chips n' coffee !!
*feels the fatty guilt*

And that pretty much sums up the one day I had in Hannover to berlepak ......