Sunday, August 1, 2010

Greetings from Hannover !!

You read it right! I'm currently in a quiet lil' place called Hannover, Germany. Its actually my second time visiting for business purposes, only difference being the fact that I had a more "canggih" camera this time around to capture nicer pictures for the blog as opposed to my "ciplak" one half a year ago.

A week before the trip, my superior sent us all an e-mail informing us of the change in weather. From the standard summer temperature of 36 degrees last week, it is currently only 12 - 22 degrees. Temperature aside, the wind is strong! The last time around, I wasn't prepared for the freezing winter season (it was zero to negative two). And this time around, I still wasn't prepared for the chilly SUMMER season! W.T.H. lo .... kena "cha" by superior non stop for being "lousy".  >.<

My luggage for .. uhm .. only 5 days ...

Anyway, all I've been doing here (apart from attending important *cough...* business meetings), is only to eat n' sleep n' eat n' sleep. And it all started from the moment I arrived at KLIA......

First flight ... M'sia to S'pore ......

As it was an evening flight, and taking into the account the fact that I'd skipped lunch, I headed to the obligatory pit-stop pending the time to board the plane and had this ......

GCB set meal - RM15.70

For once, I decided to be "adventurous" and tried out their new GCB burger, and I wasn't at all impressed by it. The chicken patty was rather soft (not the tender type but more of .. lembik ...) and the sauce tasted rather weird ... it seemed to be a combination of BBQ sauce n' oyster sauce n' ....  *bluekz*

And my "teman" was ......

...... which came very highly recommended by Val the nerd.  :p

After a one hour flight from KL to Singapore, this was my following destination ......

...... to Frankfurt ......

...... and this was my lepak place during the transit ......

Mocha Spin - SGD5.60

The drink was rather sweet at the beginning... but as the ice melted, the drink became yummier and yummier ... !!!  *slurps* 

Finally, after a gruelling twelve hour flight with no movies to watch (cause there was no screen in front of me!!), I finally arrived at Frankfurt to transit over to Hannover. At that point in time, I was famished as I couldn't really stomach the food served in the plane. Ambitious they were, in trying to serve us smoked salmon (which was not too fresh) and pasta (which was really soggy). So I adjourned to this cafe ......

Latte Macchiato and Sacramento sandwich - 9 Euro

I am NOT kidding when I say that this is perhaps the BEST-EST sandwich I have ever eaten in my life. Which is also the reason why I've "stolen" the recipe above ......

And that ...... pretty much sums up my whole journey from KL to Hannover. Will post up more pics later ...  :)