Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pick N' Brew

Early in morning it was, when I spontaneously smsed Debb the following: "Pick N' Brew?", and received an ecstatic single word reply ... "Yayyyyyyyyy !!!!!". Tried playing the devil's advocate by persuading Val into joining us as well but to no avail ... *duh ... what was I thinking by even bothering to ask*  Haha ......

As it was only noon when we met up, I brought Debb over to my hairstylist to dye her hair, which turned out really nice! Not too lalaa-ish, just the way I like it.

Whilst waiting for her, my itchy-backsideness took over ...... and now I have bangs! To-date, I've received various reactions ranging from "Very Niceeee!" to "Ugleeee!" to "Coconut Shell!" to "What! RM5 only to change ur hairstyle!?!!"   *s.w.e.a.t.* 

After "lepaking" at the hair saloon for 3 hours, we finally headed off to Pick N' Brew located in Glenmarie, Shah Alam. Despite it being our first time around that area, we managed to "stumble" into the shop, thanks to Debb's chun-ted sense of direction.

Myself (with bangs) n' Debb (with dyed hair)

Cafe Latte

Cafe Mocha

(slightly sweet but not overpowering - suitable for sharing)

Seafood Chowder
(tasted very good but slightly too thick for my liking)

We were regular customers of the One Utama branch before it closed down sometime last year. Trust me when I say that we whined for months everytime we were in One U looking for a chill out coffee place. Ai Lin, its all your fault !!

*Inside joke, we brought Ai Lin to Pick N' Brew one day and she fell in love with it immediately. Upon loudly announcing that she MUST bring her future boyfriend there to "pak toh", Pick N' Brew closed down a week later! If that was not enough, she started dating very shortly after that! So yeah, from then on, we were all convinced that Ai Lin had jinxed it and was the cause of the closure.*

Anyway, the trip was definitely worth putting in the effort for. The layout of the cafe was very comfortable and puts its customers at ease. As for the coffee, both the composition of the mocha and cafe latte were just right, giving it the perfect blend and taste each individual coffee was supposed to have, unlike other cafes which may even serve you burnt-tasting coffee.

Debb and I ended up chit-chatting and bumming on the comfy couch to read our books for the rest of the afternoon whilst sipping our coffee. It was great to spend this time alone with Debb again, something I've missed during the days we used to be apartment-mates back in Melbourne.

I hope we get to do this again sometime soon !!